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Friday, March 11, 2011


Finals are over! I went out and had a good time tonight, celebrating the end of 3rd term finals.  Only 9 weeks left to go...! And spring break is in 2 weeks, in which im going on a cruise with my family, and my best friend and his family. It is going to be so much fun! Life's good today, lets keep it up!

Thursday, March 10, 2011


So today is my girlfriend's brother's birthday, he is turning 7.  They are all going bowling and they invited me too, so im going.  I am a very athletic person, but the only sport i do is running, so her dad thinks im not athletic! Haha tonight is my chance to prove that i am, my best game is a 203, im hoping to beat that! or at least come close, to show im athletic, because thats one attribute that i love about me. Wish me luck!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Ahhh i hate finals, i have them tomorrow, so today's post is pretty short! Just complaining about finals! I hate how you already learned the information, and you pretty much have to learn it all over again. I never get any sleep because I'm up so late studying and i have to get up at 6:30 to get ready for school. Not good conditions to do well... I HATE FINALS

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Today in my sociology class we talked about groups, which was one of the most fun and entertaining days.  We got to talk about common stereotypes and make fun of the other groups in class, good stuff haha. We talked about the black group, the asian group, the whores, the jocks, the cheerleaders, the poms, the football players, the music people, the nerds, the gamers, the stoners, and many other groups.  A lot of us belong to one of these groups, but its good to make fun of yourself every once in awhile. Its very fun bashing other groups with your classmates, especially if you hate them and you get the opportunity to bash their group. Any stereotypes you would like to share? any similar experiences? please share your thoughts!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Physics Egg Drop

So today in my physics class we had the classic egg drop competition and mine was doing great, surviving 6 meters.  Then on the 7 meter drop my top opened and the egg feel out, crushing my dreams of winning the egg drop! I had been dreaming about the moment since my brother did it in high school 3 years ago.  This was not the way I imagined it ending! To reedem myself, i brought it home and tested it again, making sure the top didnt fall off. It worked, making myself feel much better! Here is the video of that throw (approx 8 meters):

If you have any stories about your egg drop, please share them!